Dr. Fabian von Rom

Growing up in Lindau at Lake Constance, Dr. von Rome pursued optimal dental and orthodontic training in many parts of the country, before he realized the dream of his own specialist practice for orthodontics in Unterföhring Munich.

„ Orthodontics is my big passion. For an ideal treatment result, each therapy is individually tailored to the needs and the life of each individual patient.“

July 2017
Establishment of the orthodontic practice in Unterföhring Munich

Specialist in orthodontics in Freising

Examination for orthodontic specialist

Specialist dentist training with Prof. Dr. med. Schwestka-Polly (Private outpatient clinic MHH Hannover)

Doctorate with Prof. Dr. Dr. Pautke (LMU München)

FSpecialist Dentist Further Education with Dr. med. Msc. (lingual orthodontics) Pies in Remscheid

Further Education in Germany’s only NEBEOP Full Member Program of the Hannover Medical School

Dentist with Dr. med. Hoffmann in Düsseldorf

Clinical traineeship in dental aid projects in Lima and Huancabamba (Peru)

Degree in dentistry (LMU Munich, UKE Hamburg)

Hobbies besides orthodontics:
Jogging, skiing, sailing, traveling, hiking, art, friendship and family

Certification for invisible braces:
WIN DW lingual systems (Lingual orthodontics)
Incognito brace (Lingual orthodontics)
Invisalign brace (Aligner technique)

Memberships in professional associations:
Berufsverband der deutschen Kieferorthopäden (Professional Association of German Orthodontists)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie (German Society of Orthodontics)